Thursday, January 28, 2010

With Lips and Teeth to Ask How My Day Went...

I used to think that the type of music you liked defined you as a person. This, to some extent, may still be true but I'm finding that some of mine and my friends music tastes have changed over time...

But we're still the same people, aren't we?

At school, the type of music you listened to decided what group you were in. Decided where you belonged in the playground... The poppy, top 40 listeners stuck together, the heavy-metal lovers were in a clique, the people who enjoyed rock, hip-hop, rap, R 'n B and alternative styles all had their own groups too.
Generally people who enjoy the same type of music enjoyed being in each others company. This still rings true for me, I like to go to gigs and festivals with my friends who like the same artists as I do.

But nowadays, I enjoy more than just the typical rock and heavier type music that I used to stick to...
What does it matter if I thoroughly enjoy some psy-trance or industrial metal every now and then? I'm still me! Who cares that I listen to folk and country-influenced music? And so what if my ipod plays classical and reggae music? Does it change who I am? No. Does it change who I should be friends with? Not at all...

But I do tend to wonder what group I would be in, if I were to go back to school today...

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