Monday, December 14, 2009

Rainbows & Sugar, What More Could a Girl Want?

Last week or the week before, I was looking online at "awesome cakes."
Yes - that is what i typed into Google Images. Do yourself a favour and check it out! There are some amazing creations that pop up...
One that really took my fancy was the rainbow cake. I instantly knew I would be baking that cake.
Correction, I knew that I would be attempting to bake that cake.
Anyway, fast forward a few days and it was the eve of my girly night. What better to make than a rainbow cake?!
I began making it in the way I assumed it was done, with the help of a few photos online. I just used a basic vanilla sponge cake recipe, you can easily use a packet one too. Here is my messy kitchen in the process!

Once I had mixed all the colours that I wanted to use, I began to put them into my lined cake tin. Purple first, then blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Pour each colour directly in the middle of the last.

Obviously next you have to cook it! If you are using a packet cake, follow the directions they provide. Otherwise, 190 degrees for (depending on your cake tin size) about 35-40 minutes. Don't worry, since you use 7 bowls in total, you get excessive bowl-licking opportunity. That's definitely a plus!
Here it is once it had been cooked - I wasn't sure if it had worked or not and I had to wait until the next night to see... Though, it did look promising.

So it was finally time to cut the cake. I called everyone inside for the big reveal... Did it work?
I couldn't wait to find out. I was afraid that the colours may have just mooshed into one another.
But then...

TA DAAA!!! It worked! Perfectly! Yahoo! I was stoked.

Rainbow cake=SUCCESS!
This week I have been commissioned to make a marbled rainbow cake. I shall post a photo if it works.
Give this one a go, it's not hard but it's really impressive! The only thing I would do differently next time is to make more purple and less red. The purple gets pushed to the side and you can barely see any but there seemed to be an excess of red.
After the marbled one, I will be making red and green cupcakes for our Christmas dinner!

Here is the finished rainbow marbled cake!


  1. Oh that is SO cute! I want to make one of those next time! :D

  2. Oh this is sweet, I think i've found my daughter's first birthday cake!
